SelfDrvn Enterprise التطبيقات

Talent EcoSystem 2.02
SelfDrvn Enterprise
Talent EcoSystem is a revolutionary employeeengagement platform, aiming to help organizations to create highperforming and self-motivating employees through gamification andbig data analytics.Key features and benefits• FAST CROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL INTRANETIncrease employee productivity by enabling teams to collaborateseamlessly with social media and messaging capabilities.• INTERACTIVE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLSEmpower employees to receive feedback and learn, keep track ontheir progress and maximize their full potential.• MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARDS SYSTEMProvide fun and engaging games with rewards such as redeemablepoints, level up, badges and positive reinforcementnotifications.Note: This application requires an account with TalentEcoSystem. Please contact us at support@Talent to geta FREE Talent EcoSystem demo account.If you like Talent EcoSystem, please take your time to give us areview.
IDC MY 1.00
SelfDrvn Enterprise
IDC MY is the official mobile client forIDC'sAsia/Pacific Big Data, Analytics & Cognitive SystemsConference2016. IDC MY is powered by SelfDrvn, an engagementplatform foremployees, customers and events. With betterengagement, companiesand event organizers benefit from higherperformance and loyalty,lower voluntarily turnover and increasedattendee engagement.Key features and benefits:• FAST CROSS-PLATFORM ENTERPRISE SHARINGEncourage seamless collaboration and communication betweenteamswith the enterprise news feed.• INTERACTIVE SELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLSBoost performance and keep track of progress with abuilt-infeedback system.• MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARD SYSTEMProvide fun and engaging activities using rewards withredeemablepoints, badges and positive reinforcementnotifications.Note:- Google Fit on Android is required for in-game mechanics- Don’t forget to add a review if you enjoyed using the IDCMYapp
Livewire@Louken 1.23
SelfDrvn Enterprise
SelfDrvn is a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Platform to helporganizations with workplace engagement, using gamification,mobile, social media, big data, and artificial intelligence. Withbetter workplace engagement, companies will benefit from higherproductivity and lower voluntary turnover. Key features andbenefits: • FAST CROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL INTRANET Increaseproductivity by enabling teams to collaborate seamlessly withsocial media and messaging capabilities. • INTERACTIVESELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLS Empower people to receive feedback and learn,keep track on their progress and maximize their full potential. •MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARDS SYSTEM Provide fun and engaginggames with rewards such as redeemable points, level up, badges andpositive reinforcement notifications. Note: - This applicationrequires an account with SelfDrvn. Please contact us to get a FREE SelfDrvn demo account. - If youlike SelfDrvn, please take your time to give us a review.”
PNB Points 1.19
SelfDrvn Enterprise
"PNB Points is a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Platform to helporganizations with workplace engagement, using gamification,mobile, social media, big data, and artificial intelligence. Withbetter workplace engagement, companies will benefit from higherproductivity and lower voluntary turnover. Key features andbenefits: • FAST CROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL INTRANET Increaseproductivity by enabling teams to collaborate seamlessly withsocial media and messaging capabilities. • INTERACTIVESELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLS Empower people to receive feedback and learn,keep track on their progress and maximize their full potential. •MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARDS SYSTEM Provide fun and engaginggames with rewards such as redeemable points, level up, badges andpositive reinforcement notifications. Note: - If you like PNBPoints, please take your time to give us a review."
M5 1.18
SelfDrvn Enterprise
"M5 гэдэг нь  Software-as-a-Service (Saas) буюу програмхангамжийг үйлчилгээ маягаар түгээдэг платформ  бөгөөд тоглоомын онолын аргыг ашиглан гар утас, сошиал медиа, bigdata болон хиймэл оюун ухааны тусламжтайгаар ажилтнуудын ажлынбайран дахь хамтын оролцоог нэмэгдүүлэх, өндөр бүтээмжтэй ажиллахаднь  тусалдаг систем юм. Гол онцлог давуу талууд: FASTCROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL INTRANET Сошиал медиа болон мессеж дээрсуурилсан үйлчилээний тусламжтайгаар багуудын оролцоо, хамтынажиллагааг  дэмжих замаар бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлдэг. INTERACTIVESELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLS Хүмүүсийг санал хүсэлтийг хүлээн авч, тэднийсурч мэдэх, ахиц дэвшилд хүрэх, ур чадвараа нэмэгдүүлэх боломжыголгодог. MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARDS SYSTEM Шагнал, онооцуглуулах, түвшин ахих, цол авах гэх мэт хөгжилтэй, сонирхолтойтоглоомуудтай. Тайлбар: - Энэ програмыг ашиглахын тулд M5 нэвтрэхэрх шаарддаг. Нэмэлт мэдээлэл болон demo нэвтрэх эрх авахын тулд хаягаар бидэнтэй холбоо барина уу. "
flexPoints 1.11.6
SelfDrvn Enterprise
flexPoints is PwC Malaysia's real-time recognition programmethatencourages staff to express appreciation or recognisethecontributions of their colleague(s). Key features :REAL-TIMERECOGNITION FEATURE Promotes real-time recognition andappreciationGAMIFIED REWARD SYSTEM Provides fun and engagingactivities whereemployees can earn points that can be redeemed forrewards andreceive recognition badges and positive reinforcementnotificationsCROSS-PLATFORM ENTERPRISE SHARING Encourages seamlesscollaborationand communication between teams Note : -This app isexclusively foremployees of PwC Malaysia. Please contact for questions about the app. -Googlefit/FitBit is required for our in-app games
SelfDrvn 2.92
SelfDrvn Enterprise
SelfDrvn is a Software-as-a-Service (Saas) Platform tohelporganizations with workplace engagement, usinggamification,mobile, social media, big data, and artificialintelligence. Withbetter workplace engagement, companies willbenefit from higherproductivity and lower voluntary turnover. Keyfeatures andbenefits: • FAST CROSS-PLATFORM SOCIAL INTRANETIncreaseproductivity by enabling teams to collaborate seamlesslywithsocial media and messaging capabilities. •INTERACTIVESELF-ASSESSMENT TOOLS Empower people to receive feedbackand learn,keep track on their progress and maximize their fullpotential. •MULTI-LAYERED GAMIFIED REWARDS SYSTEM Provide fun andengaginggames with rewards such as redeemable points, level up,badges andpositive reinforcement notifications. Note: - Thisapplicationrequires an account with SelfDrvn. Please contact to get a FREE SelfDrvn demo account. - Ifyoulike SelfDrvn, please take your time to give us a review.”
SelfDrvn 2.0 1.32
SelfDrvn Enterprise
Remote Workforce Management and Talent Engagement